外资(欧美) 150-500人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
外资(欧美) 150-500人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
American Hygienics Corporation was established in 2001 and is one of the leading and fastest growing manufacturers of baby wipes and wet wipes applications. AHC is a Private Label manufacturer and is a member of the World Private Label Manufacturer’s Association. Our products range from simple wet wipes to patient care along with feminine/maternal care products and breaking into janitorial wipe systems. We have a fully equipped laboratory for micro-biological/bio-burden testing. AHC has a great company culture and exceeds industry standards in providing benefits to its employees. With our focus concentrated on"quick-turnaround",we stride to have the quickest lead-time from conceptualizing to delivering. Our facility in Shanghai stands as a symbol our emphasis in quality,consistency and efficiency in economically manufacturing wet wipes in China. With various converting technologies, AHC has one of the largest wet wipes output in the entire Far East. Our team of over 200 employees works around the clock to ensure a quality product for all our global customers. 我公司是一家专业生产各类湿巾的外商独资公司,产品主要销往欧美等国家,并且在国内也占据了一定份额的市场,现正在进一步的开拓当中.自2001年成立以来,生产规模日益圹大,是一家年轻而具实力的公司.欢迎有识之士的加盟,我们将为求职者提供良好的个人发展空间。 公司网址:http://www.amhygienics.com/